Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Water Fast Day 2, Just Keep Swimming

I woke up today feeling fine, but when I tried to get out of bed, I was overcome with weakness and mild nausea  As I walked to the bathroom, I felt like vomiting. I went back to lying on my bed, but eventually dragged myself out and changed clothes. I had read that some water fasters turn to sparkling water to ease their hunger pangs. Luckily, I found the one place on campus that sells sparkling water and I bought a big bottle. I'm normally not a fan of sparkling water. The carbonation makes the water taste bitter, but the brand I got wasn't bad. The bitter taste was much milder than Pelligrino. Drinking it seemed to do nothing for me initially. But after a while, my stomach felt even worse! It felt like it had gone from being a little grumbly to being a gaping black hole. That was unpleasant, to say the least. The feeling eventually subsided as I alternated between sparkling water and plain water. Despite the nasty feeling from before, it was a really nice change to plain water.

One thing I forgot to mention on Day 1 were my temperature fluctuations  One moment I would be freezing cold, the next I would be sweating like I had just ran 8 miles. After a while, I would be fine. This started occurring yesterday evening and continued today. I found that keeping my feet warm helped a lot in keeping my temperature and energy constant.

I have no updates on my weight today because I forgot to weigh myself! When I first got up, all I could think about was getting some water because my stomach was being unreasonable.

The blue tinge on my lips still remain even after a hot shower but my face has gotten smoother. Definite plus. : )

Part way through class, my legs started to feel sore. This soreness, though, is one I know well - menstrual induced soreness. I decided to stop taking my birth control pills during this fast and I expected to eventually have menstrual symptoms, but I wasn't expecting soreness already. Detox symptoms perhaps? Usually fatigue would accompany the menstrual sores, but not this time.

Towards the evening, my hunger pangs and desire for food diminished. I felt like I had more energy too. I reveled in the feeling of freedom from hunger pangs and weakness. Since my hunger pangs and desire for food subsided, you may be wondering how I reacted to the presence of food around campus and in the dorms. I actually enjoyed it! Around 5:30pm, a really delicious and savoury smell wafted into my room. I let myself indulge in the smell but I felt no urge to eat nor any desire for food. I was simply content smelling it. The thought of food also didn't linger. It went like this: I'm surfing the internet, I smell food, I enjoy smelling it and wonder what it could be, I go back to whatever I was reading. After enduring last night's food fantasy, this was like freedom! I am still staying away from looking at too many food pictures though because I know I am a visual eater. I hope this indicates that my body is now switching to ketosis and the detoxing will begin.

Water drank: 2.5 litres
Weight change: Unknown
Detox symptoms: Possibly the soreness, but I think not, so none.
Overall feeling: Started out weak this morning, mildly nauseous, but as the day went on I felt better and better, aside from the leg soreness.

Two photo snaps from the Marketplace! Gotta make sure you get a dose of sweetness. :) I must say, the products in the Marketplace keep improving. At the beginning of the year, most of them looked...well...student made. But products are looking more and more professional.

Cute little mousse cakes sprayed in red colored
 cocoa butter
Halloween themed doughnuts! (The middle one is a
witch's hat)

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